Mississippi Public Broadcasting

Congressional Delegates' Opinions On Impeachment Along Party Lines

By Desare Frazier

Members of Mississippi's Congressional Delegation are sharing their opinions on the president's impeachment inquiry as the process continues. As MPB's Desare Frazier reports, opinions fall along party lines.

Mississippi Republican Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith says none of the testimony offered in the Democratically controlled House Judiciary Committee or Intelligence Committee have changed her mind. She says there's no hard evidence President Donald Trump did anything wrong.

"It's just really all about trying to unseat the president, trying to take this election away. I firmly believe that. And there is nothing happening in these hearings that would give any reasonable person any other belief or to come to any other conclusion," said Hyde-Smith.

At issue--is it an impeachable offense for the President of the United States to ask a foreign government to investigate a political rival and withhold military aid as coercion. Democratic Congressman Bennie Thompson represents the 2nd Congressional District. He's convinced the president was wrong.

"I am firmly convinced now more than ever that President Trump should be impeached. The information the intelligence committee put together in its report in my mind clearly indicated that the president did certain things that would warrant his impeachment," said Thompson.

Mississippi overwhelming voted for President Trump in 2016. Three of the state's four congressmen are Republican as well as Mississippi's two state senators. All say they support the president and won't vote to impeach him.