Y'all Politics 

FBI raids Trump home

By Frank Corder

In an unprecedented action, the Florida home of former President Donald Trump was raided by FBI agents on Monday on behalf of the National Archives investigating whether he took classified records from the White House when he left office in January 2021.

Trump’s son, Eric, went on FoxNews Monday night saying that the raid occurred because “the National Archives wanted to corroborate whether or not Donald Trump had any documents in his possession.”

This action by the FBI escalates the probe into whether Trump took official documents.  Some such documents were discovered in boxes at the former President’s Mar-A-Lago home prior to this raid following the hurried exit from the White House on Inauguration Day 2021.

As of this report, the White House and FBI have declined to comment.  For their part, the White House is claiming that they had no prior knowledge of this FBI action.  That claim has raised suspicions as well as many onlookers find it hard to believe that such an action would not have reached the President’s desk before being executed.

A copy of the warrant and the judge who approved it have not been released at this time.

The former President said in a statement that these are dark times for our nation.

“These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents,” Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before,” Trump said. “After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate.”

Trump’s team wasted no time in characterizing the raid as a weaponization of the Department of Justice and a Democrat attempt to keep him from running for President again in 2024.  Trump is said to be considering another run with a decision forthcoming.

The timing is also suspect given that the November Midterm Elections are just 13 weeks away.

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy took to Twitter telling Attorney General Merrick Garland to preserve his documents and clear his calendar.  McCarthy said when Republicans win the majority back in the House in the November Midterms they would conduct an immediate oversight of the Justice Department.

“I’ve seen enough. The Department of Justice has reached an intolerable state of weaponized politicization,” McCarthy said.

Mississippi Congressman Michael Guest, a former prosecutor and District Attorney, also took to Twitter after learning of the FBI raid on Trump’s residence.

“This [Biden] administration has failed to secure our borders and to stop out of control violent crime and has instead targeted the former President with their law enforcement resources,” Guest said.  “The American people are questioning the motivation behind this unprecedented raid, and I will be calling for an immediate Congressional inquiry into these actions to get answers.”

Guest is a member of the House Homeland Security Committee.

Congressman Steven Palazzo said the Biden Administration is pulling out all of the stops before the Midterms.

“The Biden Administration is pulling out all the stops, no matter how despicable, before the midterms,” said Palazzo. “President Biden weaponizing the DOJ and going after a former president is setting a dangerous precedent for our country and every American should be concerned by this. Republicans in Congress should act immediately to investigate the reasoning behind the raid of President Trump’s home and hold Democrats accountable for their blatant corruption.”

Congressman Trent Kelly also released a statement late Monday evening, saying he was troubled by what unfolded.

“I am troubled by the FBI raid on President Trump’s personal residence at Mar-a-Lago. This administration has ignored the crisis at our borders and the out-of-control violent crime,” Kelly said on Facebook. “Instead, they are focusing resources on former President Trump. This unprecedented raid is questionable at best and I will be calling for an immediate congressional inquiry into these actions.”

U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith shared the concerns raised by the Congressmen.

“If the Biden Justice Department was comfortable setting a new precedent by raiding the home of a former President, then it should explain these actions quickly to the American people.  Tell us what you were looking for and what you found,” Hyde-Smith told Y’all Politics on Tuesday.  “Otherwise, there should be congressional inquiries about this raid and why the Justice Department is using its resources on this when there are so many other problems facing the American people, including rampant violent crime.  The DOJ and FBI risk further erosion of public trust and confidence if more people believe they are engaged in the selective, politically-motivated application of our laws.”

For his part, Senator Roger Wicker kept his comments short, saying, “This raid is unprecedented. The American people need and deserve answers.”

Mississippi State Representative Steve Hopkins joined a growing chorus of state lawmakers expressing their displeasure with the FBI’s actions.  Hopkins and Republican lawmakers in other states are asking Governors to sever ties with the Department of Justice.

“I am formally requesting Governor [Tate] Reeves to call an emergency Special Session to amend our laws regarding Federal Agencies and sever all ties with the DOJ,” State Rep. Hopkins wrote on Facebook.  “Any FBI agent, thereafter, operating outside of State Law should be arrested on sight.”

Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves has not yet weighed in on the FBI raid at the former President’s home.