Senate Pro-Life Caucus Chair Promotes Support for Mothers in Annual Address

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VIDEO:  Senator Hyde-Smith’s 2024 March for Life Statement.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.) today joined in celebrating the 2024 March for Life, lauding this year’s theme — “With Every Woman, For Every Child” — as underscoring the pro-life movement’s pro-women record.

Hyde-Smith’s message accompanied her introduction of legislation on Thursday to support, expand, and protect pregnancy centers.  It also followed her visit with students from Natchez’s Cathedral Catholic School, who are in the nation’s capital to participate in the annual pro-life march.

“Motherhood is one of the hardest, yet incredibly rewarding, challenges life can bring.  We can support mothers by uplifting families and being there to offer a helping hand,” Hyde-Smith said.  

“This year’s March for Life theme – ‘With Every Woman, For Every Child’ – highlights the fact that no woman should ever feel alone in their pregnancy journey.  In addition to having loved ones and communities to lean on, every woman should know of the life-saving work of pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes across the country,” she said.

Read the text of Hyde-Smith message to those observing the March for Life below:

The thousands gathered in Washington and across the country for the March for Life demonstrate just how many Americans proudly stand for life – born and unborn. 

As a mother to a beautiful daughter, I am keenly aware of how precious life is, and what a joy it is to bring one of God’s blessings into this world.  But that doesn’t mean motherhood is easy. 

Motherhood is one of the hardest, yet incredibly rewarding, challenges life can bring.  We can support mothers by uplifting families and being there to offer a helping hand.

This year’s March for Life theme -- “With Every Woman, For Every Child” – highlights the fact that no woman should ever feel alone in their pregnancy journey. 

In addition to having loved ones and communities to lean on, every woman should know of the life-saving work of pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes across the country.

Despite what the radical left wants us to believe, the pro-life movement is also a pro-woman movement with a long history of empowering women during pregnancy and after. 

As chair of the Senate Pro-Life Caucus, I am working to build on that history by promoting policies that support pregnancy centers, maternity homes, and strong families, so that more women will have the support they need as they embark on a beautiful and sacred chapter of their lives. 

To all the Americans marching for life – thank you for standing With Every Woman, and For Every Child. 

God bless you all!
