Senators’ Pro-Life Flag Request Based on Example Set by White House with Pride Flag Display

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.), chair of the Senate Pro-Life Caucus, has joined U.S. Senators Pete Ricketts (R-Neb.) and Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) in challenging President Biden to show inclusivity to pro-life Americans by flying the Pro-Life Flag in front of the White House and federal agency buildings during the month of October, which is Respect Life Month.

The Senators asked the President to fly the Pro-Life Flag in a letter that cites the example set by the Biden administration with the display of LGBTQ flags at the White House and federal facilities across the nation during Pride Month.

“Earlier this year, your administration displayed the Pride Flag at the White House for Pride Month,” the Senators wrote.  “We are asking you to also honor Respect Life Month and fly the Pro-Life Flag to send a powerful statement that our country celebrates Americans of all beliefs and is committed to protecting innocent and vulnerable life.”

“We know that the commitment to protecting and loving both unborn children and mothers is shared by Americans in every state and territory across our great nation.  Flying the Pro-Life Flag during Respect Life Month would show the federal government stands alongside its citizens in upholding the unalienable truth that all people, including the unborn, have a right to life,” the Senators concluded.

Read the full text of the letter here or below:

Dear President Biden:  

As Respect Life Month approaches, we write to you with a request to recognize and honor both unborn children and their mothers by flying the Pro-Life Flag prominently in front of the White House and Federal agency buildings for the month of October.  Earlier this year, your administration displayed the Pride flag at the White House for Pride Month.  We are asking you to also honor Respect Life Month and fly the Pro-Life Flag to send a powerful statement that our country celebrates Americans of all beliefs and is committed to protecting innocent and vulnerable life.

The history of Respect Life Month dates back to 1972, when the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops started a respect life program in October, in anticipation of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.  Today, citizens and organizations across the country observe Respect Life Month to promote respect for human life. 

The design of the Pro-Life Flag was created by the Pro-Life Flag Project (prolifeflag.com).  The flag's white background symbolizes the innocence of a child in the womb.  The two footprints at the center of the flag represent the humanity of the unborn child.  The hands above and below the footprints symbolize the mother's love and protection for her child.  The parallel pink and blue stripes show that the pregnancy involves two unique lives and that both lives are deserving of full human rights.

We know that the commitment to protecting and loving both unborn children and mothers is shared by Americans in every state and Territory across our great nation.  Flying the Pro-Life Flag during Respect Life Month would show the federal government stands alongside its citizens in upholding the unalienable truth that all people, including the unborn, have a right to life.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.
