News Mississippi
KLLM president receives Governor’s Excellence Award
By Brittany Land
Today Governor Phil Bryant and United States Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith presented Jim Richards, President & CEO of KLLM Transport Services, the Governor’s Excellence Award.
Governor Bryant expressed the importance of truck drivers in Mississippi and how thankful he is for them and the work that Richards has done.
Senator Hyde-Smith thanked Richards for changing lives.
They were joined by John Davis, Executive Director of Mississippi Department of Human Services and Dr. Nancy New, Executive Director of Families First for Mississippi.
Richards said they were honored to be there. He explained that they started a driving academy with Hinds Community College and Dr. New has worked with KLLM to develop that driving academy, which he said has turned into a great success from a workforce development standpoint.
Governor Bryant and Senator Hyde-Smith also had the opportunity to speak to a classroom full of future drivers and drive one of the simulators. Senator Hyde-Smith told the class her father was a truck driver, so she thanked them for what they are doing.
The live video from our Facebook can be viewed here.