News Mississippi

More of Mississippi’s delegation weighs in on House impeachment inquiry vote

By Andi Davis

The House was divided along party lines after approving the resolution Thursday which outlines the rules of the impeachment inquiry into President Trump. 

Here is what some of Mississippi’s Congressional Delegation had to say and where they stand on the issue.

Congressman Michael Guest

Congressman Michael Guest (MS-03) voted against the resolution proposed by the Democrats to establish the House of Representatives’ impeachment process. The House Resolution passed the House on a 232-196 vote.

Congressman Guest reconfirmed his stance against the impeachment inquiry. “It is apparent by the process the Democrats have proposed that they have no interest in transparency, fairness, or due process. Democrats have been focused on one goal since the day President Trump was elected – to impeach a president the American people democratically elected, regardless of the consequences. In their mission, the Democrats have ignored the crisis on our border, they have neglected important trade agreements, and they have forgotten about our aging infrastructure. I urge my colleagues across the aisle to drop this political sham that is creating a schism across our nation so that we can address the issues that will create a brighter future for all Americans regardless of their political beliefs.”

Congressman Steven Palazzo

Congressman Steven Palazzo (MS-4) voted against H. Res. 660, a bill that would authorize an impeachment inquiry within the House of Representatives. The resolution passed the House by 232-196. Palazzo released the following statement:

“The House has many other things we can be focused on besides a bogus impeachment inquiry. We’ve yet to pass appropriations for the upcoming fiscal year, the annual defense authorization act, or the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Instead, Democrats waste precious time to further their Liberal agenda of impeaching a successful president they disagree with. I do not support the illegitimate investigations and will continue standing against the bombastic attacks made against our duly elected President.”

U.S. Senator Roger Wicker

U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., issued the following statement following a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives to launch an impeachment inquiry against President Donald J. Trump:

“Today’s vote on impeachment in the House of Representatives will do nothing to ensure due process or even the pretense of fairness. It merely codifies the politically-motivated and one-sided inquiry already underway. Democrats in the House have shown by their actions that they are only interested in conducting a partisan show trial to remove a duly-elected president from office.”

Congressman Bennie Thompson

Rep. Bennie Thompson issued the following statement on the passing of H. Res. 660 which passed the House by a vote of 232-196.

“I have repeatedly reiterated that I fully support the House’s Impeachment Inquiry. The President endangered our national security by withholding critical military assistance to counter Russian aggression for his personal political gain. Trump betrayed his oath, betrayed the Constitution and undermined the integrity of our elections. Contrary to the President’s description, this is not a ‘witch hunt.’ Rather, it is the United States House of Representatives fulfilling its constitutional obligation. Remaining ignorant of the lawlessness of this President and choosing not to hold him accountable would have severe consequences for generations to come. In the words of Dr. Martin L. King, Jr., ‘Never, never be afraid to do what’s right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society’s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.”

U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith

U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.) issued the following statement regarding the Democratic resolution passed by the House of Representatives to establish rules for the partisan impeachment inquiry targeting President Trump:

“The Democrats’ impeachment resolution is biased and rigged to ensure the President, his legal team, and defenders are denied basic procedural and due process rights. The travesty is that there are more pressing issues Congress should be working on for the American people. Unfortunately, the Democrats have chosen, yet again, to pursue their own political vendettas. ”