Y’all Politics

Cory Wilson confirmed by U.S. Senate to serve on Fifth Circuit
By Frank Corder

Wednesday morning, Mississippian Cory Wilson was confirmed by the U.S. Senate to serve on the United States Fifth Circuit by a vote of 52-48. He is the 200th judicial appointment nominated by President Donald Trump to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

Wilson replaces Judge E. Grady Jolly on the Court.

President Trump initially nominated Wilson for a seat on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District in October 2019 but withdrew that nomination in favor of nominating Wilson for the Fifth Circuit in March 2020 after the nomination of Judge Sul Ozerden ran into political headwinds among both Democrats and Republicans.

Both Mississippi Senators supported Wilson’s nomination and confirmation.

Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith spoke on the floor of the Senate Tuesday urging a positive vote by her colleagues.

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“I have known Judge Wilson for many years. His experience and legal knowledge make him an excellent choice to serve on the appellate court,” Hyde-Smith told Senators. “I am also pleased a judge from Mississippi will mark a historic day as the 200th federal judge to be confirmed by the United States Senate during the Trump Administration.”

Sen. Roger Wicker spoke Monday in the Senate ahead of a cloture vote, also calling for a vote to confirm Wilson.

“Judge Wilson is an outstanding nominee to mark this milestone. His credentials, intellect, and respect for the rule of law are well-established,” Wicker said. “The American Bar Association is considered by many to be the gold standard for assessing judicial nominees, and the American Bar Association has awarded Judge Wilson its highest rating of “well-qualified” to serve on the Fifth Circuit. I certainly agree with this assessment by the ABA.”
Monday’s cloture vote on Wilson’s confirmation received a 51-43 in the Senate, with Maine Republican Senator Susan 
Collins voting with Democrats in the minority. She did so again on the confirmation vote Wednesday. All other Senate Republicans supported Wilson.

Wilson, 49, is a native of Moss Point, Mississippi. He graduated from Moss Point High School in 1988. He earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree, summa cum laude, in economics from the University of Mississippi School of Business in 1992. He earned his law degree from Yale Law School in 1995.