News Mississippi

Mississippi delegation reacts to historic peace agreement between UAE and Israel

By Andi Davis

President Donald Trump has announced a peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

Trump said, “By uniting two of America’s closest and most capable partners in the region, something which was said could not be done, this deal is a significant step toward building a more peaceful, secure, and prosperous Middle East. Now that the ice has been broken, I expect more Arab and Muslim countries will follow the United Arab Emirates lead. “

President Trump said the agreement brings “full normalization of relations” between the regions.

Here is what Mississippi’s delegation in Washington had to say:

Mississippi Senator Roger Wicker said, “This announcement is proof positive that President Trump is committed to promoting peace in the Middle East. Few would have predicted that today we’d be cheering a major breakthrough in diplomatic relations between a Gulf Arab state and Israel.”

Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith said, “Historic day and a major breakthrough! The agreement announced by President Trump will help lead to a more peaceful and prosperous Middle East.”

Congressman Michael Guest stated, “President Trump has paved the way for a stronger Israel. This news signifies a step in the right direction for peace in the Middle East.”

Congressman Trent Kelly stated, “I am happy to see the significant progress made between our two Middle East partners, Israel and the United Arab Emirates, regarding the Agreement to Normalize Relations. This is a monumental step toward diplomatic progress, peace, and stability in the Middle East. I also would like to thank Prime Minister Netanyahu and Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Zayed for their openness and understanding as well as President Trump for his continued leadership and support in seeking peace among our partners in the Middle East.”

Note: Other delegate reactions will be added as they become available.