Miss. Senator Cosponsors Pro-Israel Resolution, Joins News Conference on Israeli Right to Defend Itself

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VIDEO:  Republican Senators News Conference on U.S.-Israel Alliance.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.) today reiterated her unwavering support for Israel and its right to defend itself as the Hamas terrorist organization continues to fire missiles at the strongest U.S. ally in the Middle East.

Hyde-Smith, who signed as an original cosponsor of the pro-Israel resolution, joined colleagues at a news conference Wednesday to express support for Israel and question the Biden administration’s Middle East priorities.

“Israel has every right to defend itself against enemies, the most dangerous being Iran and its financing of terrorist groups like Hamas,” Hyde-Smiths said.  “We will not abandon our ally during this time of violence.”

“President Biden should clearly state his firm commitment to supporting Israel, work toward a resolution of the current conflict, and return the United States to a position of strong leadership in the Middle East,” she said.

The resolution cosponsored by Hyde-Smith condemns Hamas, the terror group that has controlled the Gaza strip since 2007, and its ongoing attacks on Israeli civilians.  It also strongly affirms the U.S. Senate’s “unwavering commitment to our ally, Israel, and its right to defend itself and its civilians against terror by whatever means necessary to stop the murder of Israeli citizens and foreign nationals residing in Israel.”

Read the resolution, introduced by Senator Rick Scott (R-Fla.), here.

Hyde-Smith last week was among 44 Senators who pressed President Biden to stand with Israel and end sanctions relief negotiations with Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism.
