The Ohio Star

Pro-Life Movement Pledges to Mothers and Their Children: ‘No Woman Stands Alone’

By Susan Berry, PhD

National pro-life leaders and lawmakers committed themselves publicly on Valentine’s Day to protecting life not only by promoting pro-life legislation, but also by providing concrete service to mothers and their children, born and unborn.

The pro-life leaders joined with the Heritage Foundation to announce they are prepared for a post-Roe America, and to pledge their support for girls and women experiencing unexpected pregnancy.

Students for Life of America (SFLA), the nation’s largest organization of pro-life youth, has launched, a website that has the capability to provide free and local resources to assist pregnant women and their families nationwide, without abortion.

“Every day, the pro-life community proves that we are here for women and their children, born and preborn, no matter how many times we’re accused of not caring,” said SFLA President Kristan Hawkins. “But as we get closer to a post-Roe America, we’re taking our message straight to women across the country so that they know we are standing with them so that they never have to stand alone.”

Lawmakers pledging their support include Senators Steve Daines (R-MT), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Deb Fischer (R-NE), and Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS).

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Other pro-life organizations committing to the cause of women and their children include Concerned Women for America, Live Action, Heartbeat, and Alliance Defending Freedom.

According to a press release, helps women find healthcare, food assistance, housing, childcare, and – since many of the young women SLFA serves are attending colleges and universities – information about pregnant and parenting rights on campus.

The goal is that “no woman in an unplanned pregnancy stands alone and is instead connected to the life-giving, non-violent alternatives to abortion available in her area,” the announcement reads.

“On Valentine’s Day, we want women to know that they and their children – born and preborn – are loved,” Hawkins said.

“A predatory abortion industry making billions through ending young lives tells women that they are alone in the world and incapable of succeeding at home and at work,” she continued. “They sell women short, and then they sell them an abortion, creating real fear in women. We want women to know that we are already working to help them, and that no woman needs to stand alone.”

Susan Berry, PhD, is national education editor at The Star News Network.