Senator Praises President Trump for Renewing Reagan-Era Regulations Restricting Funds for Abortions

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.) today cosponsored legislation to permanently prohibit the use of federal funds for abortions or for health coverage that includes abortion procedures.

The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2017 (S.184), introduced by U.S. Senator Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), would establish a permanent prohibition of taxpayer-funded abortion.  The bill would also require that health insurance agencies under Obamacare disclose if plans include abortions.

“For the past 40 years, Congress has followed the lead of the American people to restrict taxpayer funds for abortions.  It’s time to make this policy permanent and to make sure the public knows when health plans support abortions,” Hyde-Smith said.

S.184 would codify the Hyde Amendment to prohibit funding for abortions in annual appropriations bills.  The measure would also apply to Smith FEHBP Amendment to prohibit funding for elective abortion coverage for federal employees, and the Dornan Amendment to prohibit use of appropriated funds for abortion in the District of Columbia.

Hyde-Smith today also praised President Trump for renewing Reagan-era policies barring Title X Family Planning Program grantees from co-locating with abortion clinics, or from promoting, or referring clients for abortions.  President Ronald Reagan issued these Title X regulations in 1988, which were then reversed by President Bill Clinton.

Hyde-Smith signed a letter earlier this month that encouraged the Trump administration to issue new regulations to ensure Title X funding does not support abortion.

“I firmly believe in the sanctity of life.  Federal rules and regulations should comply with the law that prohibits the use of taxpayer funds to end the lives of unborn children.  President Trump’s action begins to ensure complete separation of abortion activities from taxpayer-funded family planning programs,” Hyde-Smith said.

