The Floridian

Scott Looks to Cut Funding to UN for Anti-Semitic Practices

By Jackson Bakich 

Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) has joined Senator Jim Risch (R-ID) as well as a number of Republican Senators to introduce legislation to cut funding towards the allegedly Anti-Semitic United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

The bill, reintroduced as the United Nations Relief and Works Agency Accountability and Transparency Act, declares that the UNRWA must meet “strict accountability and transparency criteria” every 180 days in order to receive U.S. contributions.

“The U.S. should NEVER be funding groups connected to Hamas & known for anti-Semitic rhetoric. I'm proud to join @SenatorRisch in ensuring that NEVER HAPPENS by reintroducing the United Nations Relief and Works Agency Accountability & Transparency Act,” stated Sen. Scott.

According to the Scott press release, the UNRWA has hired individuals with ties with Hamas in the past and have assisted the terrorist organizations to enable anti-Semitic discourse.

President Joe Biden (D) restarted the funding after the Trump administration ended U.S. contributions in 2018.

“UNRWA has a long history of employing people connected to terrorist movements like Hamas, promoting anti-Semitic textbooks, and using its schools to store Hamas weapons. It is unthinkable that U.S. taxpayer dollars would be used to help fund such an organization,” said Sen. Risch.

“This legislation will cease U.S. contributions to UNRWA unless the administration certifies that the agency is not affiliated with U.S. designated foreign terrorist organizations and does not support anti-Semitic rhetoric. My colleagues and I will continue working to hold the administration and UNRWA accountable until consequential reforms are made," added Risch.

Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), Mike Crapo (R-ID), Tim Scott (R-SC), John Thune (R-SD), Mike Lee (R-UT), Bill Hagerty (R-TN), Joni Ernst (R-IO), Ted Budd (R-NC), and John Cornyn (R-TX) joined Sens. Scott and Risch to sponsor the legislation. U.S. Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) will bring forth companion legislation as well.