Pro-lifers grateful for election wins

Charlie Butts (

Tuesday's election results are sending a strong pro-life message to the U.S. House.

As the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List watches numbers on undecided races, spokeswoman Prudence Robertson says there are already reasons to celebrate.

"Several of our endorsed candidates have won," she tells OneNewsNow. "There are 13 new pro-life women that have been elected to the House ... there are eight races still to be called, and a lot of them are looking really good. 11 new pro-life women incumbents have won re-election."

Radical abortion proponents still hold the majority in the House, but Robertson says the Democrats are taking notice

"It's a stunning blow to Nancy Pelosi and her pro-abortion agenda," the pro-lifer asserts. "The message to Democrats is that we are not going to continue to let their extremism go unnoticed in the House, and we want them to work with us to pass common-sense limits on abortion that we in the pro-life movement have been working so hard to promote for so long."

In addition, Susan B. Anthony List was watching hotly-contested Senate races, including Cindy-Hyde Smith (R) of Mississippi and Joni Ernst of Iowa (R) -- both of whom handily won their re-election bids. Also, pro-life Cynthia Lummis (R) is being welcomed to serve as a new U.S. senator from Wyoming.

Meanwhile, one of the most pro-life states in the union has good reason to look forward to their next legislative session.

Texas is celebrating the state Senate's pro-life-dominated election results. In the Texas House, pro-life Republicans have retained their majority, which means a House speaker who is strong on the life issue will be elected to serve in that capacity.

Joe Pojman of the Texas Alliance for Life hopes both chambers will deal with certain measures in January.

"Number one is a complete ban on abortion, The Human Life Protection Act," he details. "It would protect unborn babies beginning at fertilization, and it would go into effect when and to the extent that the Supreme Court overturns Roe vs Wade."

Pojman believes the court has enough conservative and life-affirming justices to do just that.

"We also must preserve promotion and funding for compassionate alternatives to abortion, including adoption," he adds. "Texas is doing a much better job of that than any other state in the country."

From the pro-life perspective, other positives from the election include Senator John Cornyn's (R-TX) re-election and President Trump winning Texas' 38 Electoral College votes.
