WLBT-TV, Jackson

Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith optimistic about response to installing pumps to deal with flooding

By Maggie Wade

JACKSON, Miss. (WLBT) - Mississippi Republican Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith says she is optimistic about pumps being installed in the lower Mississippi Delta to deal with ongoing flooding.

Last month the Senator sent a letter to President Trump asking for approval of temporary pumps to remove some of the flood water. Tuesday she said she is hoping to hear something positive very soon.

In the letter to President Trump, Hyde-Smith said the feds directed the Army Corps of Engineers to do the same thing after Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Those who live in flooded areas have been suffering for months, and pleading with officials to install the pumps.

Hyde-Smith said, “The goal is a permanent solution. So, you know, if we don’t get the temporary pumps, if we can use that money toward a permanent goal and a permanent solution then I will be just as good with that. I don’t care what we call them temporary or permanent, I’m just ready to get these people some help.”

The Senator did not give a definite time frame on when she expects to hear a decision on installing the pumps.