Clarksdale Press Register

Senator Hyde-Smith votes against Debt Limit increase


U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.) today issued the following statement regarding her vote Thursday against legislation to raise the national debt limit.

The Senate heard proceeding to legislation allowing rules changes to facilitate expedited consideration of a measure to raise the nation’s debt limit.

“I vowed this summer not to help the Democrats raise the debt limit, and I’m holding fast to that commitment not to vote to increase the debt ceiling," said Hyde-Smith in a prepared statement. "The nation cannot be allowed to default on its obligations, but we should not raise the debt limit in a manner that enables President Biden and Democrats to spend trillions of dollars on reckless socialistic programs.

The U.S. is expected to hit its debt ceiling around Dec. 15, which raises the threat of a default. Similar political manuvering by both sides has happened before. 

“It is unfortunate that necessary provisions to avoid cuts to Medicare and agriculture programs were linked to the debt limit," Hyde-Smith explained. "I am among a strong bipartisan core that supports ensuring seniors and farmers aren’t harmed, but helping them should not have been tied to a controversial debt limit question.”

Hyde-Smith voted no on a procedural motion to S.610, a measure that addresses sequestration cuts to Medicare and most U.S. Department of Agriculture programs, in addition to setting the stage for Senate Democrats to increase the debt limit increase. Having received more than 60 votes to proceed, the Senate could pass S.610 later this week.

In August, Hyde-Smith signed a letter, which stated, “We, the undersigned Republican Senators, are letting Senate Democrats and the American people know that we will not vote to increase the debt ceiling, whether that increase comes through a stand-alone bill, a continuing resolution, or any other vehicle. This is a problem created by Democrat spending. Democrats will have to accept sole responsibility for facilitating it.”