Delta Council E-News

Supplemental Disaster Bill Passes Senate, House Set to Pass on June 3

A Supplemental Disaster Bill, long in the works, was agreed to by leadership of the House and Senate this week, with a nod from the White House that it would be signed. On Thursday, the bill passed the Senate and the House was set to pass the measure this morning by unanimous consent. However, a member of the Freedom Caucus from Texas, objected, which means that the House cannot pass the measure until June 3, when they return to Washington.

“We appreciate Congress for responding to the disasters that have plagued the Delta and the entire United States,” said Delta Council Farm Policy Chairman Patrick Johnson of Tunica. “There are very significant provisions in this disaster bill that assist producers who are being severely impacted by flooding, as well as homeowners, businesses, timber interests, community infrastructure, and other elements that have also felt the brunt of flooding. We hope the House will immediately come back to Washington on June 3 and pass this measure, and we are grateful for the support of the entire Mississippi Congressional Delegation.”

For a summary of the Senate-passed legislation, click here
For the complete legislation, click here
For a summary prepared by Senator Hyde-Smith’s office on Mississippi impacts, click here.