Senator Hyde-Smith, a cattle farmer and the former Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce, understands the importance of the state’s $7.5 billion agricultural and forestry industries. As a member of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, the Senator will work on legislation, programs, and policies to allow agriculture and related industries to grow in Mississippi and the nation.

The Senator’s record includes protecting private property rights against eminent domain abuses, helping to open foreign markets for Mississippi agricultural products, and supporting country-of-origin labeling.

Open to Traffic

The DeSoto Times-Tribune

Open to Traffic

By Robert Lee Long and Bob Bakken

With a crowd of more than 700 gathered underneath a highway overpass on a chilly, blustery morning, the final completed segment of the nation's newest superhighway, I-269, was opened to the public amid fanfare and soaring...

Ducks in the Crosshairs

CQ Magazine
Ducks in the Crosshairs
By Jonathan Miller
Duck hunters of the world, rejoice. In September, a bill that would extend duck-hunting season in the U.S. passed the House.
The bill (HR 6013) would allow the secretary of the Interior to designate Jan. 31 as the final date for the...

Hyde-Smith votes for water infrastructure bill

News Mississippi
Hyde-Smith votes for water infrastructure bill
By Brittany Land
U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith, a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, voted to send President Trump a bill providing critical funding for flood control, infrastructure, and harbors in Mississippi.