Photo of an empty road with fencing on both sides of the road

Senator Hyde-Smith believes rebuilding infrastructure is key to the future of Mississippi and the nation.  She understands that aging highways, bridges, and basic public works infrastructure represents an impediment to public safety and economic growth.  She includes the need for greater broadband access among these needs.  Senator Hyde-Smith is committed to using her committee assignments to support responsible efforts to improve infrastructure, particularly in rural areas.

NCBA Welcomes Legislation Aimed to Help Livestock Haulers

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association

NCBA Welcomes Legislation Aimed to Help Livestock Haulers

WASHINGTON (May 1, 2019) – The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association today welcomed the introduction of legislation in the U.S. Senate aimed at reforming federal Hours of Service (HOS) rules in a way...

Study of city’s broadband internet capabilities underway

Natchez Democrat

Study of city’s broadband internet capabilities underway

By Sabrina Robertson

NATCHEZ — Smart Growth America researchers from Washington, D.C., may have the answer on how to revitalize Natchez and Adams County — faster internet speeds.

Boosting internet speeds would improve the...

Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith visits Tenn-Tom Waterway

WCBI-TV Columbus

Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith visits Tenn-Tom Waterway

By Sydney Franklin

ABERDEEN, Miss. (WCBI) – It could be December before shipping on the Tennessee Tombigbee Waterway returns to normal.

The update came Tuesday during a briefing at the Aberdeen Lock and Dam.

U.S. Senator Cindy...