Congressmen reject campaign seeking to rename Stennis Space Center 

News Mississippi

Congressmen reject campaign seeking to rename Stennis Space Center 

By J.T. Mitchell

One member of the space community has started a campaign to rename the John C. Stennis Space Center in Hancock County.

Will Pomerantz, vice president of special products for Virgin Orbit...

Campaign Urges NASA to Rename the John C. Stennis Space Center

New York Times

Campaign Urges NASA to Rename the John C. Stennis Space Center

By Allyson Waller

For 32 years, a NASA rocket testing center in southern Mississippi has carried the name of John C. Stennis, a former United States senator who was a champion of racial segregation for most of his time...

City Approves Final Funding For First Hall Avenue Train Overpass

The Pine Belt News

City Approves Final Funding For First Hall Avenue Train Overpass

By Haskel Burns

The City of Hattiesburg has completed the final financial step in building the overpass over the Canadian National train line in the East Jerusalem neighborhood, helping to alleviate traffic...