“The Founding Fathers Warned Against Allowing Impeachment to Become a Political Weapon.  In This Case, House Democrats Crossed that Line.”

020520 Impeachment Acquittal Floor Statement
VIDEO:  Senator Hyde-Smith Speaks on Senate Impeachment Trial

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.) today indicated she will vote to acquit President Trump on the two Articles of Impeachment that were the subject of a two-week trial in the United States Senate.

“I will vote to acquit President Donald J. Trump on both Articles of Impeachment presented by House Democrats,” Hyde-Smith said today in a speech on the Senate floor.  “I have listened carefully to the arguments presented by House Democratic managers and the White House defense team.  Those prosecuting the President failed on a legal and constitutional basis to produce the evidence required to undertake the very serious act of removing a duly-elected president from office.”

The Senate will vote on the two Articles of Impeachment at 4:00 p.m. EST, today.

The following are Hyde-Smith’s remarks:

Mr. President, I will vote to acquit President Donald J. Trump on both Articles of Impeachment presented by House Democrats.

I have listened carefully to the arguments presented by House Democratic managers and the White House defense team.  Those prosecuting the President failed on a legal and constitutional basis to produce the evidence required to undertake the very serious act of removing a duly-elected president from office.

This trial exposed that pure political partisanship fueled a reckless investigation and the subsequent impeachment of the President on weak, vague, and noncriminal accusations.  

The Democrats’ case—which lacked the basic standards of fairness and due process—was fabricated to fulfill their one, long-held hope to impeach President Trump.

We should all be concerned about the dangerous precedent and consequences of convicting any president on charges originating from strictly partisan reasons.  

The Founding Fathers warned against allowing impeachment to become a political weapon.  In this case, House Democrats crossed that line.  Rejecting the Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress articles before us will affirm our belief in the impeachment standards intended by the Founders.

With my votes to acquit President Trump, justice will be served.  The Senate has faithfully executed its constitutional duties to hear and judge the charges leveled against the President.

I remain hopeful that we can finally set aside this flawed partisan investigation, prosecution, and persecution of President Trump.  The people of Mississippi and this great nation are more interested in us getting back to doing the work they sent us here to do. 
