Photo of protesters in front of the United States Supreme Court

As a Christian, Senator Hyde-Smith believes in the sanctity of life and the need for federal policies that strengthen America’s families. She is committed to supporting policies and legislation to protect the lives of unborn children.  An opponent of taxpayer funding of abortions, the Senator has a strong record of opposing any measure that encourages abortion, as a matter of law or policy.  Senator Hyde-Smith is also serving as the chair of the Senate Pro-Life Caucus in the 118th Congress.

Former Senator Thad Cochran passes away at age 81

News Mississippi

Former Senator Thad Cochran passes away at age 81

By Steven Gagliano

According to a spokesman, U.S. Senator Thad Cochran, who represented Mississippi in Congress for more than 45 years, passed away peacefully early Thursday morning in Oxford.

Cochran, a Navy veteran who...

25 GOP Senators Urge That Spending Bills Protect Pro-Life Measures

The Epoch Times

25 GOP Senators Urge That Spending Bills Protect Pro-Life Measures

By Mark Tapscott

Twenty-five Republican members of the Senate urged Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) on May 23 to preserve “all long-standing pro-life and religious freedom protections in...