Photo of rural town Brookhaven

Senator Hyde-Smith believes the Unites States is strong when agriculture and rural America are strong.  The Senator understands the unique challenges faced by rural Mississippi to provide residents with basic services, infrastructure, education, and health care.  She supports policies that will allow rural communities to expand economically.  The federal government should not be a roadblock to the growth and wellbeing of rural America.

Trump to speak at Farm Bureau convention Monday


Trump to speak at Farm Bureau convention Monday

For the second year in a row, President Donald Trump will address farm and ranch families at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 100th Annual Convention. When speaking to the crowd last year, Trump said he would be back the...

Hyde-Smith receives committee assignments

News Mississippi

Hyde-Smith receives committee assignments

By Steven Gagliano

U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith will serve on four Senate committees during the 116th Congress.

Hyde-Smith said she will use her expanded committee assignments, including chairmanship of an appropriations...