KTVX-TV Salt Lake City, Utah

Senator Lee cosponsors bill prohibiting taxpayer-funded gender reassignment medical interventions

By Addy Bink

WASHINGTON, D.C. (ABC4) – Utah Senator Mike Lee is co-sponsoring a bill that would prohibit taxpayer-funded gender reassignment medical interventions.

The bill, sponsored by Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. (R-Kansas), was introduced in the Senate on Tuesday.

The End Taxpayer Funding of Gender Experimentation Act “would protect children and the conscience rights of taxpayers from this radical ideology,” according to a release from Sen. Marshall.

“Protecting our children from experimental gender reassignment treatments and permanent hormone blockers couldn’t be more important. These medical experiments are not FDA-approved and have irreversible consequences for the health of our kids. It’s immoral and unethical that President Biden has a nominee with a track record of politicizing public health issues, advocating for conversion therapy for pre-pubertal children, and has demonstrated a lack of support for parental consent. The legislation I introduced today will ensure this practice is put to a stop and prevent taxpayers from ever having to foot the bill for these horrific procedures,” said Dr. Marshall.

The statement goes on to say the act would prohibit federal funding for gender reassignment surgeries and treatments.

It does, however, provide exceptions for treatment for patients with medically verifiable sex development disorders.

Joining Sen. Lee in cosponsoring this legislation include Senators Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), and Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.).

ABC4 has reached out to Sen. Lee’s office for comment.

Sen. Lee recently joined 22 other colleagues in introducing the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act, which aims to protect organizations that provide adoption and foster care services from discrimination based on their religious or moral beliefs.
